The Sacramento Bee from Sacramento, California (2024)

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The Sacramento Beei

Sacramento, California

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IP I '0- 0 0 10MMI 1THE SA-C1AVEN1 0 WEDNESDAY VAT 3 1911 moll A 1011-N)e! I I an Tyr ra i 4a i) 400 taiMmdlr '-nA 1 A ri A DV ERTISEM ENT $3 "Reduso" Corsets for $2-Inducement Sale This Week Only 4011 1111111111111MEMEINEEINIE I' On the Second Floor Another New York Purchase Sale Tomorrow ris) CONSIDERIN6 CITY'S PROPOSITION I IN we coNsIDEREI CITY'S PROPOSE 600 White Aprons Corsets Shown on IA to Y2 Less Than Regular Prices Sacramento to- Hold Wharf From Like Whole Front Some Day Sacramento to- Hold I From Whole Front Some I They have just fresh clean snowy white aprons that are far better values than any aprons that have been placed on sale in years The sale prices will set new value-giving records 1 IYILL CONSTRUCT BIG EXTENSION Co Begins 225-Foot Shed on Water Boat Club Is Ousted 1 6 Al I tirhe Bee epeeist leretee) 4 Witt CONSTRUCT New Assistan Manager of B16 EXTENsioN Road at Chico Co Begins 225-Foot 4 Shed on Water 1 Boat Club Is Ousted i 4111p IP IY 4t I A (5 lb I 1 1 ty Living Women 14c 19c 29c 39c 48c 59c Aprons all ready for use at prices that would just about 'pay for the inaterials by the bother waking them? I i ''11 Vp '4 i 1 00 I 'l Tea Tie Waitress' and Nurses' Aprons mmimmmmommi Thousands of Sacramento women have seen this interesting exhibition You see the corset just as it would appear on yourself Materials are excellent qualities of Lawns and Dotted Swisses made in the very latest styles The workmanship is of the very best and leaves nothing to be desired It will pay you to anticipate your future apron wants right now when a of 1 The Southern Pacific is driving piles on the water front between I and 'Streets as the basis for a 225-toot extnsion to its steanier shed The strip of water front on which the Sacrament Boat Club received permission to moor its ark will be blockaded by this addition Assistant Superintendnt Geiger of the southern pacific I lasted to-day that this addition when completed will be used as a warehouse for commission merchants Tr ustee Carraghar otated to-day that (the Southern Pacific under Ordinance )79 4 have a right to occupy thin part of the water front with ite wharves and steamer sheds until 115 Carraghar states that the permission granted by the Trusteeo to the Sacramento Boat Club for the 11 110 of this section of the river front doeti not prevail over the rightm of the railroad The explanation at first given by the Southern Pacific for the driving of piles at this point was the statement that they were to be used as a platform for a weight-lifting crane which was to load boilers of immense weight to a barge on the river Superintendent Geiger said to-day that an arrangement might be possible by which the Southern Pacifie would allow the Boat Club to tie its ark beside the new eteamer shed access to the boathouse to be obtained by an elevator or etch came leading to the waters edge The explanation at first given by the Southern Pacific for the driving of pile at this point was the statement that they were to be used as a platform for a weight-lifting crane which was to load boilers of immense weight to a barge on the river Superintendent Geiger said to-day that an arrange- inent mightbe possible by which the Ulnas horn PanifIn we'll(' allow the Boat 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 11 1 1 The Southern Pacific is driving piles on the water front between I and 'Streets the basis for a 225-foot ex- tmston to its steanier shed The strip of water front on which the Sacra- mint Boat Club received permission to moor its ark will be blockaded by this addition Assistant Superintend- tishnet soGeuitgheerrn opt acthifetcsuonudtheerrnordpiancginficco completed will be used an a ware- stated to-day that this addition when TrUatee Carraghar etated to-day that No 4 have a right to Occupy thin part house for commission merchants of and steamer sheds until 1215 Car- the water front with ite wharves goir states that the permission granted by the Trusteee to the Sacra- rah mento Boat Club for the II ile of this section of the river front doeti not pre- vall over the rights of the railroad lit2in Taffeta Ribbon A 4 tv dr2 1 14 74111111111fdlip The Western Pacific Wharf matter is still dragging along but it appears that an agreement will shortly be reached between the city representatives and the railroad people The city officials have presented a proposition to the Western Pacific and It is being considered Sacramento will build the wharf probably on the Western Pacific COMpany's money In other words the city will likely advertise for bide for a wharf near the foot of Street and the Western Pact? to Company will be one of the bidders If It is the lowest bidder it will put up the wharf otherwise it will have to pay the contractor who is awarded the job The city Is to give the Western Pacific Company a 10-year lease on the structure For the consideration of 50 cents per foot per month for the wharr space the railroad is to have exclusive possession of the wharf The city of Sacramento may pay for the structure whenever it likes but must pay 8 per cent interest on all money due the Western Pacific Company All transportation companies on the City Wharf now pay 50 cents per foot per month and do not have exclusive possession of the wharf That is when they are not utilizing the -ace they rent others may place fright upon it The point of rent at first caused a bitch because it was thought the Company should pay a higher rate for the exclusive use of the wharf However it was finally agreed that concession could be made in view of the fact that the Company is to put Its money into the structure Some day Sacramento would like to own the entire waterfront from the bridge to Street To this end it is likely that arrangements will be made so that the city can purchase that porHOU of the Western Pacific wharf to be built south of Street on property owned by the Company The Western Pacific Company Is now considering the proposition made to it by the representatives of the city and It seems likely that an understanding will be reached shortly The Western Pacific Wharf is still dragging along but it that an agreement will eh reached between the city re tives and the railroad people toot fittt1swehsatveeruppreasceinfiteedanad pan considered Sacramento will build the probably on the Western Pad pany's money In other words will likely advertise for bid wharf near the foot of St the Western Farina Company one of the bidders If It is th bidder it will put up the whs erwise it will have to pay I tractor who is awarded the Jo The city is to give the Wes cific Company a 10-year least structure For the consider The from 1-3 to-1-2 can be made Demonstration Millinery Ribbi Will Close Worth up to 65c a yard on Width up to 7 1 -2 inches A Saturday Beautiful Satin Taffeta and Ribbons ill Rich Coral Shades Do not fail to see it on the Greens Light Blues Lavenders an Second Floor in Stripes Cheeks and handsome Chas Nathan Co Stripes and plmity of Black an oombinations (Millinery Dept-2 On the 3d of Manufacturers Samples from 1-3 to 1-2 can be made Millinery Ribbons Worth up to 65c a yard Width up to 7 1 -2 inches Beautiful Satin Taffeta and Ribbons ill Rieh Coral Shades Greens Light Blues Lavenders and in Stripes Cheeks and handsome Stripes and plmly of Black and oombinations (Millinery Regular 25c Quality Sale Price To-morrow 7c A heavy ribbon suitable for hair bows and millinery and white Sky Pink Brown Navy Cardinal Coral Copenhagen Champagne Lavender Purple Nile Emerald Reseda and Tans (Ribbon Dept Floor) 29c Emerald Whites Roman White Dept-2d Floor) ROVI KAY tisietent Diameter hertilent Electric I' MN FROM SOUTH Is IN HARNESS For the Boy 14 to ll Long Pants Suits Worth $1250 and $1500 Rowray Takes Place Vacated by Melville Dozier on Electric Line thlouoo Brossos Sacquos and Elimonoo Long Kimonos $125 to $400 Values 89c 6159 Sheridan Starts on Long Eastern Tour Superintendent Sheridan of the Sao tamento Division of the Southern Pa rifle yesterday carted away from the office of the Chamber of Commerce a 2 bale of Sacramento Valley Promotion 5 literature which he purpose' to distribute among the Easterners during hie 25-day tour over the country Sheridan leaves to-morrow id his private car Sierra Nevada at 12:45 Co No 4 Accompanying him will be Engineer A Porter of the Western Division Divielon Engineer a Morrison of the Coast Division Trainmanter a Gaylord of the Westerk Division Master of Mechanic' Of Dunsmuir and Chief Die patcher Onyon of the Coast Di 'vision The trip is made for the p*rno''' of the officials of thie Coast to tudy the methods of railroading in other parte of the country The next trip of this kind will trtade in September by Superintendent Ahern of the Coast Divielon and a staff of officiate Sample garments are always carefully made these are particularly all sizes in extra valua kimonos made of fine Lawns Organdies Crepes and Challies in all colors 00005 LAMB WAS HERE IL Lamb representing the New York Central lines with headquarters in San Francisco was in thin city yesterday at ternon on business House Dresses $125 to $300 Values agicip $129 We make a special feature of these suits at $895 the same suits would sell for $1250 and $15 Why not save a few dollars on the boy's next suit $895 we will sell you all wool clothes in the latest college cut styles with full peg pants medium and light gray shades House dresses that are just about twiee as good as you would expect them to be at these prices Dainty serviceable dresses in Oinghams Figured Dawns Percales and Chambray's Dressing Sacques 65c to $250 Values tioc 79c You never saw dressing sacques so good marked at such low prices be fore All sizes All colors I MOOSE EXCURSION The Western Pacific is preparing to run an excursion to Stockton on the 13th for the purpose of carrying Moose to the big time in the Slough City That day will be the last of the lair and carnival to be given by the lodge Commencing Monday 3 Rowray formerly connected with the Fecal() Electric) Railway Company at Los Angelee assumed his new duties with the Northern Electric Company filling the vacancy caused by the resignation of Melville Dozier Assistant Manager and Engineer for the company Rowray has gone over the road several times and is now familiar with it and has secured a general Insight into local conditions The new Assistant Manager of the electric railway company was one of the moot popular men on the Pacific Electric in the south He held a responsible position ati Superintendent of the Northern Division of the Pa cub Electric prior to resigning to came to the Sacramento Valley ff 1059 In the railway business from an office position in Pasadena to the head of a division Rowray will make his headquartera at Chico but the naturA of his work requires that he shall spend mice of his time at this end of the line He will have charge of all construction repairs and new work on the road besides actively managing the affairs of the company at this end GOING TO EIK GROVE An excursion over the southern Pacific from this city to Elk Grove will be run to-morrow night to carry members of the Fraternal Brotherhood to that place fpr the purpose of making a fraternal call upon the lodge there A special train will be put on for the run Po Nathan Coo TRAM IS COMPLETED OROVILLE (Butte Co) MO Clark Standiford of Camp Enjoyment lo Wan In tilt city yesterday and stated that the grading fot the tramway from the line of the Weetern Pacific to Camp i' Enjoyment was completed and the 1 Work of laying the ties and mile would be started in a few days The tramway will be 8700 feet in length and Will rise 1700 feet in the distance 2 The Feather River Canyon for miles 7 and miles as well as the Sacramento 1 1 Valley and the Coast Range of Mciun' tame can be viewed from the line The Intake dam of the Great WWeetern Power Plant is also in view 4 The tram will be completed by May 20th The machinery for the mill of the Butte County Mill And Lumber ComI any is beginning to arrive and conl etruetion work upon tile mill will be I started at ono fie wee 24 years old and a discharged member of the United Siateo Artillery Ile came here to work On the newer system now being installed the advertisem*nt of Wheatland farm lands and the town proper The measure received the unanimofia sup port of the meinhere and tha Commit tee was instructed to proceed with tha matter at once PREPARING FOR STEEL WORK Preparedoh are being made by the Southern Pacific Company for the placing of the Mee' work on the piers that were placed across the river opposite Street some time ago To that end a pile-driver is at work driv ing pegs between the piers A string of plies are already between the abutment and the third pier out from the Yo lo side of the river The machine is now working between the third pie! from the Yolo side and the pivot pier preme court and Circle hold their 1915 sealgions in San Francisco An assessment of 25 cents per member Willi levied on each member until that time au a fund for the entertainment of the vialtors to the State at that time Jacob Label editor of the Forester Review was made an honorary member of the Grand Circle an honor never before conferred on a man In this state dannmmq Elected President for Thirty-first Time Additional Superior California News' CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ELECTED OFFICERS Heels Spreial Service) 0110VILLP: (Hutto Co) May Trustee Meyer was elected President of the Chamber of Commerce at the meeting of that body held yesterday afternoon lie will succeed HatolYn as the leader of the promotion body The Executive Committete wan chosen as follows: lienn Smith Fish Sharkey Henderson 0 lieu lett (Jingles Scott Lawton John Watkins It Kitrick IIRLIONES'BE FOUND FROZEN INTO SNOW BOUND OVER ON BEM CHAN GRAND COURT OF FORESTERS IN SESSION EASTERN MAGNATE 111111D CHICAGO May Hilton A Parker former Vice President and General Manager of the Chicago Rock I Island and Pacific Railroad eyetem and recently Comm Ring Engineer of the 1 Pacific extension of the Grand Trunk dlyd of apoplexy shortly after arising from bed to-day at IIII home In Wash Ington Heights BODY OF DROWNED MAN IS RECOVERED fll'he lire Special Service) KLAMATH FALLS (Ore) May S-- The body of Frank Elsther the Norwegian drowned on the Upper Klamath Lake on April 19th was found floating yesterday by some Indians about two miles from where he lost tils life Blsther undertook to to out on the lake In a big wind storm In a mall rowboat to get a goose which he had killed when the boat was overturned about 200 feet from shore and be wilt drowned The Employes Mutual Benefit Association of the Southern Pacific has re-elected Blak Ryan as its President for the thirty-first time The Association was organized thirtyone years ago with Ryan as President and every annual election since that time has seen him unanimously elected for the place he ham so faithfully and well filled Frank Shay was elected Vice President Fouitis Counsel and Miss Julia Mott Secretary The financial statement for the last thirtyone years has 'shown that in that Urns it has not been necensary for the Association to draw once upon Bs sinking fund The Association has made strong financial gains during the last year EMPLOYE OF TIM WEED 'EMBER COHPANY IS CALGHT IN ACT A OVERT' WhIENTIL Three Hundred Delegates Attend Meeting in Nevada City 4The nevi special Rrifore3 rAllgON (Nev) May body of Mrs Jones oppe of the women killed in the llo hart Creek flood lamt February was found early thin morning by' employes of the (told Mill Water Corn pony The body was not even bruised but warp burled in snow and ice and had to be chopped out It was found near VIA place where the body of Mrs Campbell was recovered a short thee ago Boll WoMPI1 were drowned in the flood following the berating of the Hobart Creek reservoir In abru ary BOOSTERS GET BUSY IThe fire'm Pervice) WITNATLAND (Yuba (o) May At the regular meeting of the Chamber of Commerce the following WI-vent were eleeted for the ensuing term: PramMent John Johnson Vice President It liellitY Treasurer IV Grillo: Secretary John Clee It The moat important nubject taken up at the meeting wan in regard to the printing of paniphiete for To the Citizens of MADE PRESENTATION (The Bee's elpeels1 Service) NEVADA CITY (Nevada Co) May 3 Mrs Elizabeth Atwood Supreme Chief of the Companions of the Forest today presented to hone Line Circle of this city an oak tree which will be planted in the Carnegie Library grounds in this city I I The one of hair is a oontInual night- are and go auck the advent ot Ivy liair Tone means more than can he ex in mere words To those who depend upon I youthful appearance-- to all who are bald or who buffer from dandruff or any hair Hair Tonto le now within your reach Take advantage of It proven and remarkable heir grow I log properties without delay (Tbe Bees Special Serviee) WEND (Siskiyou CO May 3--Alfred Norred an employe of the Weed Lumber CamPanY was yesterday bound over to answer to a charge of burglary Nor-red and an accomplice are alleged to have endeavored tio enter the store of the company through a rear window Monday night but they overturned a keg of nails which crashed through the window and aroused another employe of the company named Owens Th burglars were frightened away but later returned to try to gain an entrance and Norred was discovered and captured after a chase and a fight by Cavens and Charles Locey an employe of the bank Norred hal previously been convicted on criminal charges Ittyl is said to have a bad record While Cavens was pursuing him Norred picked up a large rock and threw it at the former narrowly missing hie head -6 1 ewoosos AT IT AtilAllt From now on it will be possible to press work on the Northern Electric) bridge piers which dot the river at the foot of Street to an early completion The Ca 11113011 for the center pier was placed in the middle of the stream yesterday afternoon and is now being filled with concrete and has begun the sinking process The CRISSOU for the second pier near this aid of the stream is being built and will be ready to be placed an soon as work on the pivot pier is finished CALliFORNIIA'S-7 LEADIING RESORTS 1 i Five STEAMER IS BURNED ON KLAMATH LAKE (The Bee'e Special Mery lee0 KLAMATH FALLS iore) May The steamer North Star owned by Burk Wilson burned on Upper Klamath Lake Sunday night The fire is believed to have been the result of ineendiarism as no one wae on the steamer at the time it caught When the fire was dimeoverg it the rupee holding the steamer to the dock had been burned and the eraft wae drifting out into the lake She was valued at about 12000 and wee used for freighting There was no ineuranee In The Bet eaPh Tuesday ThuradaY and Platilettag vpoar a4vertiumente of the I 1ading lot vption to ths State Itsferetwo to these sonounrftiots give Oa Intending viationitit run details so to rates routes of travpi OMMMIla CARRIED EXCURSIONDITS The steamer Dover belonging to the Sacramento Transportation Company carried a big excursion party between Co lusa and Princeton Saturday and Sunday when the big May Day Festival was held at Princeton A MAHONEY'S LICENSE WAS NOT REVOKED ADA MH f4PHIN1114 Lake Co AlH)CANI)Plft YOUtig Hotel Honolulu MANWHICtiTYR Riuh Pi Prete Mendocino MANZA MAZIC iloitex Placer (ie MNitrEt MoNTKIIET Mineral $11 Intim Monterey MiiN're VISTA Inn Imilvh Nett Placer Co POli44iN oAlt ICKAttailf MI MTN flutet MUM Mu 110110111 al a PETTRVIRIA note' P1 Verotno Sonoma Co It NI 1 itN 1101n Human 40 ItLAI lit oil Pimp 10wt la ytunv Mo It()YES 141ItINt14 Nonottla CO Manta rrus Co mown) LOOKS BETTER The Jacinto owned by the Sacramento Transportation Company looks better than it did before it visited the ways on the lobo side of iDe river recently The craft he had a new coat of paint and looks almost like a flew boat The Selzer United States snag boat is still On the waym and bais almost an entire new bottom It will be in good shape for the snag campaign when it is off the ways EX-SOLDIER DIES (The Heels hpecial Fierviee) flittVILLE (Butte Col May Langford and x-noldier was found dead in the rear room of the Paraditte cigar name in thin city this morning' when the place wan opened for buntnene He lied on account of being been permitted to sleep tn the piece lad night An inquest we held and a verdict from hemorrhage of the lungs was found Little in known of the men here NA PA (4011A NPHINCIS Napa NEVA loA co NV lIL Val if Nottl HWZAITIORN Pacing fly In Prancloo forfeited under following conditions-- lat Will forfeit $1000 in gold It fail to prove that Ivy Hair Tonic actually grows hair Id Will forfeit $1000 in gold if anyone can prove that I was not the original discoverer of Ivy Hair Tonic Rd Will forfeit $1000 in gold if it can be proven to contain acid or poison of any kind an I guarantee that it will not harm a 1101 born baby In I will forfeit $1000 ifi gold if Mry testimonial and sworn statement offered to the public are not absolutely tanutne Ith Will forfeit iii3O00 In told if my premium medals kc can be proven tb be otherwine than authentic and genuine Ivy Hair Tonic was awarded First Premium and Diploma California State Fair Pacramento 1906 and 1907: Silver Medal 1908 Gold Medal 1910 Gold dedal Placer County Fair 1908 )very claim that I make for my great diarovery Ii opento investigation It le unfair to question them without givingms an opportunity to subtantiate them Let me prove myself and Ivy to you 0 (AMP Yomitii vAliTigt triI l'ipwnt Ming Plums Co (1)1114A-WILLiAMP4 Autt) Stkotp ettiM to OttIN TIMM GM Mkt At I Hr) Pioor Phkrillat lJoyrdaIp Illonoma CRYSTAL klittliNtIS Towle Placer etk OCEANIO a Co Ran rrsnelseo PArTFIr MART I ro Alaska 10110EN orpt NTY PLIMAH riMYTT I'LLIMAN 1IuLM Qulnoy Plumage Ca A (The Bee Special Serviec1 NEVADA CITY (Nevada ('o) May 3 Roth the Grand Court of the Foresters and the Grand Cire le of the Companions of the Forest initiated chomps of members last night The Clrand Court convened in Armory Hall at 8 o'clock and a large Claite was initiated Into the mysteries Of the Order the drill team of Court Pride of Marysville playing a prominent part in the ceremonies of initiation The large floor space in the Armory gave ample opportunity for the premeniation of the beautiful work and the drill team was heartily commended by the Grand Lodge at the COnClUtilOO of the work The initiation ceremonies of the Grand Circle were held In the Odd Fellows Gall The ceremonlem were conducted by member of the Grand Lodge and the local lodges Gave Exhibition Drill Yesterday afternoon at thb concluPion Of tile parade the Nevada City lire Department gave an exhibition of the fire facilities of Nevada City and it opened the eyes of the visitorm Standing on the corner of Broad and Pine Streets twelve streams of writer under a heavy pressure could be seen at one time from fire tower and hose lines and other etreanot in other portions of the humiartesm aeetion numberIng as many more could not be seen from that point At the nes don of the Grand Court there are 300 delegates Present with the following grand officers): Grand Chief Ranger IK Donohue Grand Sub-Chief Ranger John Castera Grand Treasurer brank Vonklin ()rand Secretary Jeseph it Reboil Grand Recording Secretary A Cronin Grand Senior Woodward Janice Quinn Grand Junior 'Woodward William 'Clinger Grand Senior Beadle elution Grand Junior Beadle George Secord ()rand Truatees Sheehy John O'Callaghan Milton Davis Nogues A NI Fredericka Consonnionst of Forest The Grand Circle of the Companions" of the Forest weil railed to order at 10 o'clack by Grand Chief Companion Mrs Lillian Powers The seamion was a brief one owing to the lateneme of the hour of meeting The opening ad-drams wan delivered by Mr Powers lit Grand Chief Companion Before the opening of the lemehill Jamem meth chief Ranger of Court Garfield of Forester" welcomed tile delegates and outlined the program of the week' entertainment Jacob Label on behalf of Mr Ells abrith Atwond Supreme Chief rothOull Ion premented the ()rand Circle with a 'diver-mounted gavel handmoniely engraved Officera were nominated for the varioum position this morning and the election will be held to-morrow Ti name of thome nominated were not made known Wm morning A revolution ham been offered for the purpore of holding a Forester' tiny in Stan Francisco in September In raise' funds for the establishment of a Junior Court a it will be known The Grand Circle unanimously adopted resolutions asking that the Su 7)11Los 11EACH Toms les an MONEY BACK (The DroP apeelal Seritee) RED BLUFF (Tel lama (o) May After hearing the testimony of nine witnesses the supervisor by a vote i of 3 to 1 late yesterday afternoon dismissed the hearing of Ma1 honey of Vine to show ranee why hie saloon licence should Pot be revoked land allowed him to retain his license The dismissal waft based on the con tention that in refusing to produce the memorandum of chages he had given District Attorney Fish to draw up the citation Attorney Special Prosecutor In behalf of Dan Potter had denied the Hoard the full information that It was entitled to The vote stood: For dismissal Shaf- fer Kaufman and Flournoy against Idig missal Vestal Supervisor Samp' son of Corning presided at the request of Chairman Shaffer that Villa was in hie dietrict and did not vote Attorney Matlock who tiepre sante(' Dan Potter before tile Hoard when his license was revoked RP veral days ago appeared aft prosecutor on behalf of Potter Attorney Guy rt Kennedy represented Mahoney An told In The hoe Mahoney'm bar tender was a witness against Potter Pnnoms Co EIAM OttoVP: if ofL rattdero Smoma EVA v1p4TA Co Clara Co FATHER OF RAILROAD MEN Art INVENTOR 1 COLFAX (Placer Co) May I father of Ernest King Chief I pattiller of the Southern Pacific Com-1 pany's Division as well am also the father of Claude King Assistant Agent at Woodland bail recently met success in the RIP of a patent stdc hill step-tadder especially adapted to use in oreharda Mr Xing Sr PIRO beenatranted a patent on a traction engina which operates on a track inatead of having' narrow wheels to sink in loose earth It lays its own track as it moves forward I I ttenntml Plago Line IIPAI Int Pigott Co tilfIlAktrwom pringt rhico Putt Co ItIONIDO HOTEL Itionido eunoms riTcH Mt Ta yarn Mae telahnrit Co )IaoM IR A (11 A NNT I auto Htaate FORT Herr Natinal Hank $ofa Deposit JOBOIN: ACTIAMPNTOPolsom Auto fliage net l'orritillIti Planta Prim Resin light et Planta l'etts Hot ftprings Heisler tipec Laker smwrirsim porrri Yosemite Valley SKAtitit* Not ttmrines Shaw lonoma 111NtMe rot wry PPIEliti Auto MAst Lin relistora Nape re STANLEY Trstister litembright Santa crust Uuernestile Sonoma to lisle and Scalp Specialist Discerterat and et ty? Hale reale 1114 Nth St Vet mad CIETREll Hot Sorg Tho noyacrs ilinnoMa Co iiihrtot Hpritign FIR nt Clara cn (WAND CPNTHAL Hotel Quincy Plume Co Palk Ouarnovilia Sonoma Co VIOITING P4tIETL GRAM VALLNY (Nevada Co) Mny Jowell locomotive fireman on tho Rock Jgj4 itailrood to vieittug his parent' in Grass Valley after an absence of four years In the East I Gooronteed to End tit' littsery of Catarrh Emits Nero Throat sod Croup Get a Ilyomel (pronounce it High omo) outfit to-day Pour a few drops from the bottle Intl the little hard rub bet pocket inhaler that comes with each outfit and breathe It four or five times a dal Immediately you will know that Hyomei soothes and inflamed and irritated mem heals 4thetiy bran But Hymned doom more than soothe and heal it kills Bro ok trio gargle those persevering PeNts Up Mat that are at th root of all catarrhal conditions A complete Hro- COLD outfit whion conitint of an Inds structible pocket Inhaler roots only CAL If you now own a Ilyornet In haler you ran Pot an estra bottle of flyemel for only 60 cents at All druggists everywhers HAPPY Valley Reneh RIr 0 I Naito Cron laake Co myrEt Hon Lomond 1111 CrUIL POT EL Dol le1 Portia Meripote co kTE1 INVEHNEllfe Invrnese mart Co Illmnts Barbaro HoT I It MS LI Mont Rio nonnma Co er EL SV EV1) Dunsmulr Sleklyou HUNTERS Resort WHIM" Mendocino Co IA 1101e IN Tahoe lily take Tahoe THPt tiAka Applegate Placer ee TAI1016 VISTA Agate nay take Tahoe VERNON Rotl Taylorovt lio Plumes rik BUY'S A LOT YtTBA CITY (Sutter Co) May William Estes of Dunsmuir a plumbor in the employ of the Southern Pacific bee purchased himself a lot in Cooper Tract near here and will erect a cottage thereon this Fail I JONSII HOT IIPKINNI Coiutt Co WHITE SLAVER SENTENCED (The Bee'' Special Servicep REDDING (Shasta Co) May 11-- Word is received here that three years In McNell's Island Federal Prison was the sentence pronounced yeaterday on Charles Peters a Oreek white slaver convicted on one count by a Federal trial Jury Friday Peters brought into this State Minnie Bill a Madding Cal girl and so abused her that she has become insane Because the girl has lost her reason the promecution could not get before the jury many attravating facts chow-in the intentions of Peters in bringing the girl to Oregon Taking advantage of this the attorney for Peters tried to argue that the cape was a very 111)t one which should be viewed by the Court with fatreme leniency 14 A tAlwroN Appletete Plieer 1' Kr41111iN P4e11'141 RA 11W A V' II rrEm Tnt A A ening Ile 411 ftt tart 1114 A WI- hart lett Obrings Plage WilliVnla WILJOUK Hin Sulphur gbee Wilbur Merlins Used by people of refinement in every part of the world where the use of the tooth-brush is known for Almost Half a Century 101143CYVILLIC IIANATARIChLIAtin Co Ii RAILROADERS TO onowmitm I Russell General Agent of the Northern Electric James 0Ottra Die trict Freight rind Passenger Agent for the Southern Pacific James Warrack representing the Union Partite and other railroad men attended the Chomtier of Commerce meeting at Oroville last night returning to Sacramento to-MO On the El Dorado Flyer The party left Sacramento lete VPNtertiay noon On the Northern Electrio LAKIO PrntOTY LAWMONota Livery a Moo tint Xeddli LOKPIVIPM Lakopott take Co Hotel tomonc000 Tulare Co IAJYALZON 110118t Logoiton Ritmo CO 0810111R VAILICY CO To VALLRY cO VALLLY IrroRS TO MOMS.

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The Sacramento Bee from Sacramento, California (2024)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.