The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)

SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 11, 1914 PRESS WANT ADS BRING RESULTS REAL ESTATE NEWS REALTY MARKET: Number of Interesting Transactions Negotiated--Northside and Coraopolis Properties Exchanged GREAT ACTIVITY SHOWN IN LOCAL ROW OF SEVEN HOUSES IN SHAKESPEARE ST. SOLD Unusual activity in the local realty market during the past week resulted in number of interesting transactions, including outright sales in variparts of the Pittsburg district and several notably good exchange deals, involving properties in the downtown and holdings in other parts of thEn city really and outlying excellent distriets. weather is responsible in a measure for the activity noted, as buyers were not prevented from viewing the properties they may have had in mind, and the brokers, in consequence, reaped a very fair harvest for this season of the year. An exchange deal involving properties, the combined values of which amount to $55,000, has been completed by the Freehold Real Estate Co. By the terms of the deal J.

E. Newcomer transfers to R. Robbins a three-story brick business and apartment building in Fourth near Mill Coraopolis, at a valuation of $30,000. The building contains stores and six suites of apartments of four and five rooms and bath, all being rented. The lot is 40x150 feet.

In trade Mr. Newcomer accepts the Myer property in Henderson Northside, at a valuation of house 10 rooms and a bath and two $25.000. 9.0 This property includes a frame acres of land. The new owner plans to erect residences for sale. Coll Totten, the Eastend brokers, of 5941 Penn report the sale of a row of seven houses in Shakespeare near Shady for Cora M.

Letzkus to Thomas and Adam Hoover, for $15.000. The lot is 90x112 feet. Represented by W. G. Long, the Samuel Black sold for Jean Garrett to Samuel H.

Patterson, 38x100 feet, vacant in Jancey Wellesley Morningside for $1,650 cash. The purchaser will erect two brick dwellIngs each with six rooms and bath, on the lot. $31,800 McWhinney, EXCHANGE DEAL. Robert the Park building broker reports an exchange of properties having an aggregate value of $31,800. By the terms of the agreement Alfred and Ilen Tomkins sold to Uriah and Ella G.

Houser, teenth ward, Pittsburg, and the properties, one at 424 Bailey 'Eighat 232 Birmingham Carrick. improved with modern residences, at 850. In Exchange Uriah and Ella G. Houser convey to Alfred and Ellen Tomkins eight acres of land in Franklin township Allegheny county, fronting 40 feet on the Rochester macadam road, together with an eightroom modern house and well at a price of $15,500. The difference being made up in cash and mortgages.

A. R. Armstrong the broker. represented Uriah and Ella G. Houser, in the transaction.

The C. L. Saxton sold for Lidia H. Bushfield to John M. Montgomery the Alcazar apartment house at 120-127 South Rebecca 1 nuts Penn, Eastend, for $35,000.

The building is a three-story brick structure containing six suites of six rooms and bath each, all rented for $3.000 a year. The lot is 41x111 feet to Ursiline st. In part payment Mr. Montgomery gives 50 acres at Green Ridge, Maryland, planted with fine apple trees which will be at a bearing stage next year. The orchard went into the deal at $22.500.

The Saxton company will continue as renting agent of the apartment building. Dr. Joseph A. Greenwalt has sold to H. G.

Martin 20x104 feet at 547 Wylie between Fifth and Sixth for $65.000. and excavating will be eommenced in a day or two for a twostory building with gray brick front. The first floor already is rented for a pool room and the second will be prepared for occupancy by a clothing firm. The building will be completed by Dec. 1.

Part of the consideration is a three-story, business building (00 of which is occupied by the Young South Wilkinsburg, the top floor I Men's assciation of Wilkinsburg. This property went into the deal at a valuation of $35,000. Both parties in the transaction were represented by the United States Realty Co. KINSMAN TRANSACTION. Leo J.

Coyle, of the Peoples building sold for Mrs. Louise F. Marvin to Mead J. Mulvhill, an attorney, a two and and timber dwelling on 50x120 feet in the south side of Kinsman near Wilkins Marvin Read plan, for $14,000. The house is of the living room type and contains 11 rooms and two bath, finished in hardwood and has an modern apartments.

Mr. Mulvhill already moved into the residence and has started the erection a garage on the rear of his lot. The Hazelwood Realty has sold for Sadler Martin two brick houses in Chatsworth for $10,000. The buyers were J. M.

Weaver and J. L. Norris, who take the properties for homes. The lots are 25x110 feet each, The same company also sold for James Boyd a brick residence, on 39x115 feet, Chatsworth for $6,500 and for Dr. O.

C. Schlag, 25x80 feet, improved with a brick and shingle house, in Craighead Mt. Oliver for $4,600. E. M.

West has disposed of his handsome home at Sheridan and Wellesley Highland park district for 000 the purchaser being J. E. Quigley of the Armstrong Cork who will ocbrick residence on 50x123 feet at 466 cupy. In part pay he gives his present Rebecca near Liberty Eastend, paying a substantial cash difference The West house is of brick and cement and contains 14 rooms and three baths. There also is a garage on the lot, the latter measuring 80x143 feet.

Two three-story buildings on 20x100 feet in Townsend Hill district, have been sold by Jacob Reich to Alice Comer for $10.000 The. Herman Hirsh buildings in Butler not far from Sharpsburg bridge have been bought by James Smith for $20.000. The lot is 200x100 feet and is vacant. A property in Bedford near Devillieres Hill district has been sold by Philip Levin to Jacob M. Hepner for $14,000 the lot measuring 58x126 feet.

Samuel MeCaslin sold to Marie Hill Maselli 52x104 feet in Aylesboro Fourteenth ward, for $17,500. SALE WILL MEAN LARGE BUILDING IN FORBES ST. Structure to Be of Concrete and Steel Material, $7,000. Permits for Building. Through a deal just closed in the offices of the United States Realty Farmers bank building, a new -story factory building of concrete and steel is to be erected Forbes between Chestnut Magee sts.

This company reports the sale of 48x 131 feet at 1018-20 Forbes through to Gibbon for B. S. Smyers to a local capitalist, who has had plans drawn for the building to cost about $60,000, in addition to the cost of the property, which was $35,000. Almost one half of the building already has been rented, through the realty concern, to an eastern manufacturer, who will open a branch in Pittsburg. Other sales reported by the United States Realty Co.

are as follows: For William Ulmer, of Cleveland, to William Burns of Claysville, a row of seven four-room houses at Collingwood for W. L. Bottlio Mr. Kakrauer, a stone and Agnes Swissvale, for house on feet at 217 Dinwiddie for $5,600, and for C. M.

Boynton to Margaret J. Egan, a 10-room brick house on 30x110 feet at 6618 Willard for During the week the following building permits were issued: George Kammitzer, for four two-story brick dwellings in Tretew Twenty-sixth ward, total G. J. Weinzieral, for four -story brick dwellings in dore Thirteenth ward, total E. Cornawll, for a one-story brick garage in Sarah Seventeenth ward, Conio Rosilio, for wto twostory brick dwellings in Wheeler Thirteenth ward, total Joseph or a two-story brick dwelling in Walden Nineteenth ward, Amy Predoc, for a two-story brick dwelling in Lytle Fifteenth ward, R.

J. Burrows, for a two-story brick dwelling in Gorgman Twentieth ward. Henrietta Gerber, for a two-story brick dwelling in Gerber Fitzsimmons, Twenty-seventh ward, $4,000: Hugh a two-story brick dwelling in Natrona Tenth ward, 3,100. AFRO-AMERICAN NOTES Items of news Intended for publicaton in these notes should be at THE PRESS office not later than Wednesday noon; should be written on only one side of the paper, and should contain the name and address of the der, not for publication, but as on evidence of good faith. Lots of room for none for essays and poetry.

Address Afro-American Reporter, THE PRESS, Pittsburg, Pa. REV. J. FISHER. D.

L. L. D. The attendance at the revival meetngs being held in the Central Baptist hurch during the past week were very encouraging to the pastor, Rev. G.

B. Howard and his officials. It was not confined to the membership but was composed nightly persons from many other denominations. The sermons delivered by Rev. Dr.

E. J. Fisher of Chicago, were all of them powerful appeals for moral betterment, and the sponses were many and fervid from all over the large audience. This afternoon Rev. Fisher will address a big men's mass meeting at the church.

The members of the Colored branch Y. M. C. A. will attend and the outlook is for a great spiritual revival.

The meetings will be continued each night until Oct. 15, and the public is Invited to attend and hear the gospel expounded fearlessl, eloquently and instruetively. The Warren M. E. church held a large audience Sunday evening which had gathered to hear the sacred concert given by the members of the choir, the Eureka quartet, a mixed quartet.

Mrs. Dr. Howard of Braddock, Mrs. Christina Wells of New York City and an address by Joseph Garner. Miss Maude Jackson, of 1239 Patton Wilkinsburg, gave a birthday reception Monday evening in honor of her sister, Miss Ruth Jackson.

The decorations were pink and green and many handsome presents were bestowed. The cantata of Queen Esther will be rendered at the Corey ave. A. M. E.

church Monday evening, Nov. 12, by the Cantata club of the church, which has had the composition under rehearsal for several months. A pleasing musteal performance is assured. Pro- TO ADVERTISERS EYEWITNESS TELLS STORY OF BATTLE Continued from Page 1. vast cloud of dirt and stones and grass spouted up, and when the debris cleared away a great hole showed.

All the while our ears were rent with the ceaseless scream of the Russian shrapnel and guns -for I was told that the attacking forces had actually brought up, their heavy siege pieces and were using them in attempting to assault ground intrenchments. Added to this was the din of machine guns from the trenches to our right and left, and, course, the regular, clocklike boom of the guns on the hillock beside me. WATCHING SHELLS STRIKE. While we watched, the Russians seemed to tire of shooting holes in an inoffensive hill. They began to try chance shots to the right and left.

It wasn't many minutes before I realized that, standing near a battery the execution of which must have been noted on the Russian side, I had a fine chance of experiencing shrapnel bursting overhead. It was a queer sensation to peer through field glasses and see the Russian shells veer a few hundred feet to the right. I saw a shell hit a windmill, shattering it over in a slow burning heap. Then we beat a retreat further toward the center. We had been standing behind a slight declivity.

I hadn't caught a glimpse of the enemy. Shells were the only things that apprised us of the Russian nearness. But as we passed out on an open field, considerably out of range of the field guns, I could see occasional flashes that bespoke field pieces, a mile or away. Back behind us, on the extreme left I was told the Russians were attacking the German trenches by an infantry charge, the German field telephone service having apprised the commanders along the front. With glasses we could see a faint line what must have been Russian infantry rushing across the open fields.

We passed on the center, going slightly to the rear for horses. RUSSIAN INFANTRY BEATEN. As we arrived the right wing, we witnessed the last of a Russian infantry advance at that end. The wave of Russians had swept nearly to the German trenches, situated between two sections of field artillery, and there had been repulsed. Russians were smeared across in front of these pits, dead, dying or wounded--cut down by the terrible spray of German machine guns.

I got up to the trenches as the German fire slackened because of the lack of targets. The Russians had gone back. Strewn in the trenches were countless empty shells, the balls of which, had, as it looked to inexpert eyes, slain thousands. As a matter of fact there were hundreds of dead in the field ahead. German infantrymen spat on their rapid firers as we reached the trench and delightedly called our attention to the sizzle that told how hot the barrels were from the firing.

The men stretched their cramped limbs, helped a few wounded to the rear, and waited for breakfast. It was not long coming. Small lines of men struggling along under steaming buckets came, hurrying up to the accompaniment of cheers and shouts. They bore soup that the men in the trenches gulped down ravenously. Meanwhile men with the white brassard and the red Geneva cross were busy out in the open, lending succor to the Russian wounded.

The battle seemed to have come to a sudden halt. But even as I was getting my soup, the artillery fusillade broke forth again. The Russians had apparently gotten enough of the infantry charging. They were settling down to a bombardment. Their siege guns battered away hurtling shells all along the German positions.

The infantrymen slipped back into their trenches and crawled under little shelves they had hollowed out in expectation of the shrapnel they had learned from experience would be coming along shortly. It happened, however, that this hail of shrapnel did not come until nearly noon when we had gone back again to the center. From 9 o'clock to noon the Russians hurled their heavy shells at the German trenches and the German guns. The German batteries replied slowly. I estimated during three minutes count and judging from the number of Russian shells that splashed dirt up to our right-and clear of the battery ahead of us, incidentally--that the Russians were firing three times to the Germans once.

We couldn't see whether the German marksmanship was any better than the Russian. COLORED BRANCH Y. M. C. A.

ris, Robert Pearl, William Monroe: is to be a feature of the Pioneer division William Mathews, Captains Emanuel Harris, Shadrach Fields and J. W. E. Phillips. The number brought in by the various teams were: Capt.

J. C. West, Cadillac, 57: T. Harris, Pierce- Arrow, 37; Capt. J.

Thompson, Maxwell, 23; Capt. J. E. Arter, Overland, Capt. E.

Harris, Ford, 19: Capt. J. Phillips, Premier, 18; Capt. R. Pearl, Packard, 15; Capt.

William Monroe, Lozier, 14: Capt. S. Fields, Winton-Six, 7. Division Lucelius Jennings, 102; Division W. Harvey Patterson, 66; division C.

William Mathews, 44. Much of the purely clerical work in connection with the campaign remains to be done: as soon as this is finished, the regular fall work in its entirety will be started. Already there have been three mass meetings for with a total attendance of more than 600. The various boys' clubs of the branch will soon be in full swing. The Pioneer club held its first meeting of the season Wednesday evening with a large attendance.

The following officers were elected for the year: President William C. Ward; vice president, I John N. Turfley; financial secretary, Ralph A. Banks; recording secretary, Ira E. Edwards.

A basket ball team -PROFIT TO READERS There was mighty little fuss and feathers about this business of dealing. death from guns. The crews at each piece laughed among themselves, but there was none of the picturesque shouts of command, the indiscriminate blowing of bugles and the flashy waring of battle flags that the word battie usually conjures up. It was merely a deadly business of killing. Over to the right, a scant 300 yards away, the Russians had apparently succeeded in getting the As I watched through the glasses I saw shrapnel burst over the battery there and watched a non-commissioned soldier fall with three of his comrades.

I was told that one had been killed and three wounded. The Red Cross crew came up and bore away the four -the dead and the live--and before they were there the gun was speaking away with fresh men working. But the shrapnel kept bursting away over it and soon an orderly came riding furiously back on his horse, saluted the officers with me and shouted as he hurried back to the artillery reserve: "Six inch shells to the front; more ammunition." GERMAN LOSSES LIGHT. I went back to see the wounded but the surgeon wouldn't let me. I expressed to him my wonder at the few wounded.

I had seen only a few in the trenches, and no German dead until I saw the artilleryman killed. He explained that the losses on the German side were light because the trenches were well constructed and because there had been hand-tohand, bayonet-to-bayonet fighting. It certainly seemed that with all the bursting shells there must have been more wounded. It was against all preconceived ideas of battle. So too was absence of blowing trumpets.

Commands were given via the field telephone, or by signals. There was an utter absence of shouts of command and everything, on the German side at least, indicated slow, businesslike methodical killing. LONDON IS MORE FEARFUL OF RAID Continued from Page 1. Interest here tonight centered in the fate of the Belgian army--the greater part of which had originally Leen concentrated for the defense of Antwerp, and which was withdrawn from that city Thursday when it became apparent that the city, must fall. Apparently the Germans had hoped that this army would remain in the city and fall when the "busy the German sieve But King Albert foresaw the danger guns had reduced its fortifications.

tie of bottling up his forces there and led them out where, no cne knows. German aeroplanes gave prompt word to the commanders that this withdrawal had been made. Word was evidently hurriedly sent to Gen. Von Kluck to hurry a column along which would interpose a wall between the Belgian army and the British base at Ostend. This column was reported today to have crossed the river Scheldt at Termonde, in the face of a terrific resistance from a small Belgian detachment, and to be proceeding on northward St.

Nicholas. Its mission is patent. It will attempt 10 interpose a force which might cut off the Belgian army. But unofficial advices here tonight indicate that the Belgians, alert to their danger, are hurrying along the Dutch frontier and effect a junction with the British forces. ALLIES' FOE INCREASED.

Military experts here do not disguise the fact that the fall of Antwerp will release for service against the allied battle line again a force of at least two army corps, to say nothing of field artillery and siege guns. But they hold that this force of Germans will be offset by fresher allied troops which, it is unofficially reported, are assembled at Ostend in anticipation of just such a contingency. Most of all, however, Antwerp's fall is reflected in the grave fears of the near approach of the time when London withstand Zeppelin attack. It will probably be weeks before this aerial raid bombardment comes. But meanwhile London is apprehensively waiting.

BELLEVUE AND AVALON TO CELEBRATE HALLOWEEN The boroughs, of Bellevue and Avalon will join in the celebration of Halloween Saturday evening, Oct. 31. The two boroughs will hold a commercial exposition continuing several days and culminating in a big mardi gras festival: and parade on Saturday night. The dual celebration will be held under the auspices of the Bellevue Business Men's association. The buildings will be decorated in gala colors and the jubllee spirit will mark a good natured rivalry between the merchants and business firms.

Members of the committee in charge are: A. A. McDonald, chairman; J. 0. Bower, C.

J. Lothamer, J. W. Vickerman and Peter Cray. Several brass bands will head the parade which will include every automobile and motor truck in the North Boroughs.

Prizes will be given for the most striking costumes worn by the maskers. KNIGHTS OF MALTA HAVE NEW LODGE AT EVANS CITY. Grand Commander of the Knights of Malta, Sir R. of Braddock. last evening instituted a new commandery of the order at Evans City in the presence of at least 500 members from Pittsburg and Allegheny county.

The installation exercises took place at Glen hall, and a large class was put through by the degree team of Allegheny Commandery No. 387, after which lunch was served. The new commandery was organized by Sir Charles and Samuel Roadman of Allegheny commandery No. 387 with the help of Deputy Grand Sir. W.

Brownlich. The Knights from Pittsburg gathered at the Ross entrance of the court house, where A they were met by the New Kensington K. of band, and although it was raining, they marched gayly down Fifth and along Liberty to Ferry where they filled three large interurban cars which were waiting for them to take them to Evans City. AUTOMOBILES AND TEAM IN SERIES OF SMASH-UPS. Two automobiles and a team of horses and a wagon became mixed up in a series of accidents which happened at Baum blvd.

and Euclid at 3:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon. An auto-truck, owned by a downtown department store, collided with a wagon owned by Dr. A. L. Lewin, of 3703 Penn ave.

The horses became frightened, broke the traces and ran away. After running about 200 feet in Baum the horses collided with an automobile owned by S. F. Heckert, of 357 Stratford ave. The horses were uninjured.

The damage to the truck is $300, to Heckert's machine, $30 and to the wagon $10. No one was injured. Union May Insure Members. Hoisting Engineers, Local Union No. 66.

Charles L. Miller, secretary, is ne gotiating with a life insurance Cappany to lave the union as an organ.ization take out policies on the lives of its entire membership. The pion will come up for action before ine local next week. Joseph Miller, of 1726 E. Chio was announced yesterday as the winner in the hoisting engineers benefit contest conducted in aid of "Nick" Anthony, an injured member.

Seeks Her Brother. Mrs. Mary Beck, residing at 604 Negley Butler, has requested THE PRESS to aid her in a search for her brother, John J. Barth, who was last heard from in Chicago, Sept. 25 last.

Barth is a glass-cutter by trade, and any information of his whereabouts should be addressed to his sister. CLASSIFIED SECTION--PAGE ELEVEN NEW SCHENLEY HIGH SCHOOL WILL BE OF TRIANGULAR SHAPE Is to Cost High Plans Also Are Making Great Progress Plans of the Schenley High school to be erected at Center and Bellefield in the Schenley farms, call for a triangular building, three stories in front and four in the rear. The ground area will be 460x306x306 feet, and the rooms will total 158. The school will accommodate pupils, and its cost is placed at $1,000,000. There will be an auditorium with a seating capacity of 1,200.

Class rooms will he on the first and second floors and will each measure 24x30 feet. Commercial department rooms will be 24x45 feet. Students' society rooms and a kitchen also will be on the second floor. There will be two gymnasiums, four science lecture rooms, seven laboratories, three music rooms, three art lecture rooms, locker rooms, administration rooms, library and a hospital. Bids are being asked for the putting up of the Edgewood High school, plans of which have been drawn by Ingham Boyd.

The building is to cost about $75,000, will be two stories, fireproof, and will contain eight rooms. It will be in Maple ave. Plans are being refigured for the three- brick convent be erected on Watson st. for the St. Peter's Roman Catholic congregation, at a cost of $12,000.

I. W. Hamilton has awarded to J. H. Lawrence contract to build a double duplex dwelling on Bailey ave.

at a cost of $10,000. Architect John A. Long has made plans for a three-story hollow tile flat building, 35x70 feat, to be erected by G. Gravanti in Baltimore ave, He also has made plans for a brick veneer duplex house in Mt. Washington for F.

M. Cain. Another client is figuring on building two houses of the same kind in Mt. Washington. The supervising architect of the Treasury department at Washington, D.

is taking bids, for a new postoffice at Carnegie, the bids to close October 26. H. E. Gross Co. have let a contract to C.

A. Hastings for a five-story building to be erected in Reedsdale st. at a cost of about $20,000. Wilson Borough council has decided to erect a town hall and municipal building in that town. Bids are now being taken and a contract 1 will probably be awarded soon.

Four of the finest duplex buildings yet arranged for in Pittsburg are being constructed in Beeler near Forbes by the Lafayette Land Co. The buildings stand back 50 feet from the sidewalk. Carrick is daily becoming a more attractive place not for residence memely, but for investments as well. Apartments are gradually growing in favor with investors in Carrick realty. William Barchfield is the latest to go into the erection of an apartment, and, through his architect, has awarded to W.

J. Williams the contract for a threestory building to be built the Brownsville to be named, completed, in honor of his daugh "The Alma." Gravante had plans drawn of a three brick and tile apartment house which he will erect on Baltimore Beechview. Architect T. Ed. Cornelius is making plans for W.

T. Tredway for a modern apartment building to erected on property fronting in State Coraopolis. There will be six suites of five rooms and bath each in these apartments. More Building Permits. The following additional building permits have been issued: W.

J. Payne, for a two-story brick dwelling in Beltzhoover Eighteenth ward, 700; P. W. Hamilton, for two two story brick dwellings in Bailey Eighteenth ward. total W.

J. Hasley, for a one-story brick garage in lips Twenty-fourth ward, Mrs. S. Young, for a one-story brick garage in Wellesley Eleventh president, Mrs. G.

H. Bolling. The committee on constitution submitted its report a and the Fairfax association was admitted to membership. Short addresses were made by Mrs. M.

E. Crallie and Mrs. Sadie Doyle, of the Married Ladies' Culture club; Mrs. S. B.

Hamilton, the Juvenile court; Rev. D. B. Russell, Rev. C.

Y. Trigg, and others. Mrs. Julia S. Jackson and Mrs.

Mamie White, of Mahon are home from Philadelphia, where they went to attist church, corner of Thirty-seventh tend the National Baptist convention. The to officers of the Friendship Bapand Charlotta will give a concert in the church, Monday evening, Oct. 12. A 10 days revival meeting will be started at the church Tuesday evening. Oct.

13, services to be conducted by Rev. A. J. Taylor, of Washington, D. C.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thomas, 1120 Western Northside, have tort their houseguest, Mr. Thomas' aunt, Mrs. Frank Coates, of Frederick City, Md.

FLOWER SALE FOR HOME. The city authorities have given their consent to the managers of the Coleman Home for Colored Boys, at 1721 Bedford for the holding of a flower sale and donation day on Satur. day, Oct. 17. The home is in a class by itself and is doing a wonderful work in reclaiming boys from vicious habits and the streets.

The approaching winter finds the institution with a depleted treasury and a large number of juvenile inmates to feed. to clothe and to keep comfortable. Donations of anything that be used at the home will be thankfuny received and everybody is asked to purchase a flower. The rector's guild of St. Augustine Episcopal church, will hold one-night bazaar, at Arcade hall, Friday evening, Oct.

23. Messrs. Kirby Anderson and Cornelius Whitlock, of Chicago, are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. J.

B. Booz, of Wylie ave. and Francis st. The colored students of the University of Pittsburg and the Carnegie Institute of Technology have opened a fraternity house at 2621 Webster ave. and their many friends favored them with a house shower, Friday evening, which nearly fitted them out "in domestic articles." Among the visitors were quite a number of the alumni and many of their lady friends.

The great membership campaign of the Y. C. A. has closed with glorious victory perched upon the banner of the workers. Too much credit cannot be given E.

J. Hockenbury, the association expert, who planned and supervised the that when all returns are in the 5,000 mark may be reached. Each association was asked to report a certain definite number. The Center Ave. Colored branch was asked to secure 200 new members, it reported 204, and to date has 230 new members, including a few September and October renewals.

The total membership is now over 500, and the Center ave. branch stands about third among the colored branches of the United States. When all these 500 are fully paid, Pittsburg will see a modern Y. M. C.

A. plant for our men and boys. The campaign organization was as follows: Louis A. Hamilton, chairman of the branch campaign committee, responsible to him were three sub-chairmen, each of whom was styled division leader; each division leader was given charge of three captains who in turn were responsible for their teams, named for popular makes of automobiles. The divisions were as follows: Division Lucelius Jennings; Captains J.

Clifford West, J. J. Thompson and Joshua E. Arter; division W. Harvey Patterson; Captains John T.

Dr. W. G. Ryman, for a two-story brick dwelling in Greenfield Fifteenth ward, Russian Orthodox church, for a three-story brick assembly room in Katchum Twenty-seventh ward, Schatt. Hohman, for two two-story brick dwellings in Hazelwood Fifteenth ward, total Abel Smith, for three two-story brick dwellings in Swern Fourteenth ward, total W.

Wilkinson, for a two-story brick dwelling in Flavan Sixth ward, Fred Thubron, for a two-story brick dwelling in Grighton Twenty-seventh ward, D. W. Parshing for ten threestory brick dwellings in Wilkinson Fourteenth ward, total J. H. Weft, for a two-story brick dwelling in Beechview Fourteenth ward, Jacob Born for a two two-story brick dwellings in East Twenty-sixth ward, total J.

W. Gardner for two two-story brick dwellings in Center Fifth ward, total E. L. Chaffee, for a onestory brick dwelling in Berkshire Nineteenth ward, F. M.

Cain, for a two-story brick dwelling in Boggs Nineteenth ward, Mrs. Elizbeth Boden, for a two-story frame dwelling in Sylvapia ave Eighteenth ward, 6. w. Feltzberger, for three two-story brick dwellings in Bartlett Fourteenth ward, total W. A.

Martin, for six two-story brick dwellings in Willard Fourteenth ward, total Pennsylvania railroad for repairs to shop in Carson Sixteenth ward, Diamond Forging Manufacturing for repairs to building in Ridge Twenty-first ward, T. M. McCoy, for repairs to building' in Soho Fifth ward, board of public education, for repairs to building in Clayton Twenty-fifth ward, R. P. Houston, Estate for repairs to building at Forty-ninth and Butler Tenth ward, $6,700.

SPEAKER FOR LUNCHEON. Des Moines Man to Be Guest of Board Wednesday, The speaker for the noon luncheon to be held in the Fort Pitt hotel by the Pittsburg Real Estate board, Wednesday, will be J. B. Knox of DesMoines, who is a an author, lecturer and efficiency expert. Mr.

Knox's subject, "Community Building," no doubt will prove as interesting. Thomas McCaffrey, the veteran Lawrenceville broker, will preside. At. a meeting of the board last Wednesday it was decided that the surplus in the treasury, contriubted by public spirited citizens and business houses towards the entertainment of the delegates to the national convention held here last July, be refunded on a prorata basis. the response having been so generous that all the cash was not used up.

SEPTEMBER WAS SLOW MONTH IN BUILDING. September was a slow month in building, the total reported being the smallest of any month this year. The expenditure at 121 cities for the month, as reported to Bradstreet's Journal was $44,016,916, a decrease of 16.6 per cent from August and of 33.5 per cent from September a year ago, which month showed a gain of 11 per cent over September, 1912. As marking the prevalence of decreases from last year, it might be noted that out of 121 cities, cent, showed losses from September 1913. Naturally, the third quarter of the year, containing as it did two months of war with its dislocation of financial affairs, shows quite a loss from year ago, 10 per cent, and the nine months' total is 8.2 per cent below a year ago, which in turn fell 5 per cent behind 1912.

Building Conditions. The following statistical table, compiled from Dodge Reports, throughout Western Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia, gives comparative figures on building construction for the past five years. Contracts Awarded Jan. 1, 1914, to $114,497,000 Corresponding period 1913..... 127,833,000 Corresponding period 1912....

87,396.000 Corresponding period 1911.... 112,362,000 Corresponding period 1910.... 91,438,000 Corresponding period 1909. 78,487,000 Week ending Oct. 7, 1914....

1,484,000 Corresponding period 1913.. 2,617,000 Corresponding period 1912. 3,967,000 Corresponding period 1011. 1,792,000 Corresponding period 1910..... 2,077,000 Corresponding period 1909.

1,032.000 Week ending Sept. 30, 1914.... 2,017,000 WHY HESITATE? Since you need teeth, why not preserve your own? Or, if too far gone to save, have us extract them without pain under Air, Gas or Local Anaesthetic and replace with our C. S. Plate--most comfortable and durable plate you can buy.

Twenty-seven years' experience and the largest practice in this our home city should be sufficient evidence of our ability. Loose, decayed and aching teeth treated, crowned or filled with porcelain, gold or alloy, from $1 up; Crown and Bridge Work, a tooth; C. S. Plates, $10 each; teeth reset on new plates, $5 a set. URLING Dentists, TWO LARGE OFFICES: Entire Sixth Floor BASH BUILDING, Fifth Ave.

Market St. -AND 6125 PENN AVENUE, Corner Collins, East End. "PLA-SAFE' "PLA-SAFE" is a game of instruction and amusem*nt for young and old alike, its object being to win the co-operation of the players in the prevention of those accidents which endanger the lives and limbs of the general public using our crowded streets and public conveyances. It is a plea to humanity. Many lives are lost and serious injuries sustained solely through carelessness.

"PLA-SAFE." The game of "Pla-Safe" given away free at the booth of Pittsburgh Railways Machinery Hall, Exposition, every day this week. Remember we seek your co-operation to PREVENT ACCIDENTS to yourself and others. ACCIDENT PREVENTION BUREAU PITTSBURGH RAILWAYS COMPANY SAFETY ALWAYS Death Record. CHARLES B. DESHON.

Charles B. Deshon, aged 84, for years one of the best known hotel men of Pittsburg, died yesterday shortly after noon, following a brief illness, at the Hotel Kenmawr, which he conducted at Shady ave. and Walnut Eastend. Despite his advanced years Mr. Deshon had been active in the management of his hotel until Sept.

15, last, when he was taken with his final illness. Death resulted from congestion of the lungs. Funeral services will be conducted Monday at 2 o'clock from the Hotel Kenmawr, and will be private. Rev. Dr.

Frank W. Sneed, pastor of the East Liberty Presbyterian church, will conduct the services. Interment will be in the Homewood cemetery, Mr. Deshon, who has been a wellknown citizen of Pittsburg for 58 THE LATE CHARLES B. DESHON.

years, was born at Calais, Me. When 26 years of age he came to Pittsburg, and was actively identifed with the iron industries do of Pittsburg. He reSchoenberger mills, one of the pioneer mained in this business until the outbreak of the Civil war, when he entered the Federal Government Commissary, serving until the surrender at Appomattox Courthouse. Returning to Pittsburg following the war, Mr. Deshon put to use the knowledge he had gained during the war, and was with various hotels in this city.

Always of an industrious and painstaking nature, he soon acquired the standing and capital which made his first venture, the Hotel Kenmawr. active Since 1893 management he has it of remained his become hotel, in thie in these 21 years has one the best known hotels of not only Pittsburg, but of Western Pennsylvania. Mr. Deshon maintained his good health until taken with his final illness, and was personally known to thousands of patrons of his hotel. In March, 1862, Mr.

Deshon was married to Ellen J. Beggs, of Uniontown, Pa. Four children survive him; William Charles and Sarah J. Deshon, all of Pittsburg, and Mrs. Ellen R.

Yilley, of Philadelphia. CHRISTOPHER HEYDRICK. Franklin, Oct. Christopher Heydrick, aged 84, a former member of the Supreme court, died at midnight after being in failing health for several years. He was a native of Venango county was graduated from Allegheny college, Meadville, in 1852.

He read law Kentucky and began practicing in Philadelphia in 1854, being at the time of his death the oldest member of the Venango county bar. He in every Nort Northwestern Pennsylvania specialized land suits and practiced county. In 1887 he was appointed by Gov. Pattison to All a vacancy on the Supreme court bench and served one year. He is survived by a widow and three children.

MRS. SARAH C. JACOBS. Brownsville, Oct. Sarah Colvin Jacobs.

aged 75, widow of John N. Jacobs, died in her home here today as a result of shock foilowing a fire in her home last Friday. Mrs. Jacobs had been Ill for several months and when the fire broke out in her home she had to be carried to the home of a neighbor. The shock is believed to have weakened her heart.

She was born in Brownsville, a daughter of Levi and Eliza McDonald. Mrs. Jacoba was a lifelong member of Christ Episcopal church, of Brownsville, She leaves four children: Mrs. William Lenhart, of Ossining, N. Mrs.

Charles W. Bowman, of Brownsville: Miss Mary Jacobs, at home, and J. E. Jacobs, of Greenville, Miss. FREDERICK C.

HICKMAN. Frederick C. Hickman, aged 57, husband of Mrs. Elizabeth Hickman (nee Shuckert), died Friday at his late residence, Brownsville and Elizabethtown Baldwin township. He was a memZion Lutheran church.

He 15 survived by his widow, six sohs, John, Edward, William, George, Clarence and Charles Hickman: four daughters, Anna, Elizabeth, Emma and Catherine Hickman, and one brother, William Hickman. WILLIAM MITCHELL. Bentleyville, Oct. 10. William Mitchell, aged 70, a veteran of the Civil war, died in his home here today.

He joined Co. 104th Ohio Vol. unteer infantry, at the start of the war and served throughout. He WAS 3 member of Harfield post, G. A.

R. Three children survive. MRS. ROSE A. SMYTH, Mrs.

Rose Smyth, aged 47, the wife of William Smyth, an employe of the Gayety theater, residing at 3237 East Northside, died last night from cancer, at her home, following an 11- ness of several months. Mrs. Smyth, who come to Pittsburg five years ago, born in Brooklyn, N. and her remains will be taken there tomorrow night, for interment Thursday. WILLIAM H.

RICHARDS. Washington, Oct. H. Richards, general manager of the Standard Tin Plate Co. of Canonsburg, died this morning at the Washington Country club, where last' night he was stricken with paralysis while attending a conference of manufacturers.

Mr. Richards was born in England in 1858 and came to the United States in 1873. He leaves his wife and four children. He was a Mason and an Elk. ceeds for the benefit of the church.

George L. Pollard is musical director and Mrs. N. R. Taylor general manager.

The first of a series of dances to be given by the Calabash Whist club will be held Friday evening, Oct. 16, at Arcade hall. Madame Christina Wells, of New York city, is visiting her mother, Mrs. I. W.

Gordon, of the Eastend. Rev. A. V. Bell, pastor of the rock Baptist church, Lynchburg, Whitewho has been visiting sister, Mrs.

Richardson, of 26 Emmet returned home last Sunday. While here he was the honor guest at a reception given by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hill, of 405 Fourth The M. O.

V. club of the Mt. Olive Baptist church, in Sharpsburg, of which Mrs. Ida G. Howard is the president, is arranging a special program for their monthly sacred concert to beheld Sunday evening, Oct.

18. Among those taking part will be Miss Minnie Dickerson; Miss Viola Ramsey and other members of the "Idle Hour Concert The program will appear in the next Company." issue of these notes. WEDDING BEAUTIFUL ONE. The wedding ceremony of Miss Addie Turner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

George Turner, of 641 Whittier Eastend, and George Armstrong, was performed Thursday, Oct. 1, at 10 a. by Rev. R. C.

Fox, at the family restdence, in the presence of a numerous company of friends. Promptly at the apopinted hour the bride entered the room escorted by her father, attired in a becoming gown of imported white chiffon, trimmed with real valenciennes lace, a family heirloom, and carrying American Beauty roses, to the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march as performed on the piano by Miss Carrie Strothers and on the violin by Prof. Earl Strawbridge. The ring service was used. A reception followed with covers for 100, the bride's table being decorated with white smilax.

Unique favors were given the attendants. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong left the same evening on a honeymoon trip which will include Washington, Philadelphia and New York city. Mrs.

William Smallwood, of 1104 Ward Northside, entertained the members of the Sunshine Sewing circle at her home Thursday evening, Oct. 1, in honor of her birthday. Covers were laid for 22, and quite an interesting program was rendered. Among the guests were Mrs. Ollie Jackson and Messrs.

J. R. Crawford, John Johnson, William Smallwood, James Hardy, Vasco Eldridge, J. B. Mason, George Walls and Nicholas Dorsey.

The table decorations were carried out in pink and white. The circle will hold its next regular monthly meeting Oct. 15, at the home of Mrs. M. J.

Brown, 1425 Loraine Northside. The Lucy Stone Suffrage league has a arranged to hold an exposition at Arcade hall Wednesday evening, Oct. 21. Mr. and Mrs.

Howard Woodson and family, of Washington, D. are visiting relatives in the city. Mrs. Robert A. Gaylor and children, have been in the city during the summer.

visiting mother, Mrs. Ellen Brown, and relatives, left yesterday for Alabama rejoin her husband. The City Federation of Colored Women's clubs met at the Warren M. E. church.

Friday evening, Oct. 2, and was presided over by the first vice WILLIAM F. CASEY. William F. Casey, aged 76, a Civil war veteran, died yesterday afternoon at his residence.

842 Munford st. Mr. Casey is survived by his widow, Mrs. Mary Jane White Casey; three daughters, Mrs. A.

Ford, of Pittsburg; Mrs. J. Coleman, of Boston, and Mrs. M. McWilliams, of this city; one son, William F.

Casey, nine grandchildren and six greatgrandchildren. Artillery of Germans Less Troublesome By United Press. London, Oct. artillery fire, heretofore unusually effective, is not nearly so troublesome to the allied troops, according to another install--I ment of the official press bureau's war review, made public tonight. The resume of operations also again lays great stress on the aerial operations of both armies.

On Monday, Oct. 5, the report states that there were three air duels between French and German aviators. Two of these were indecisive, but in the third. the French airmen brought down 8. German Taube by a rain of fire.

Both the German pilot and the observer were killed in the fall of the machine from a great height, and the observer was unrecognizably burned by the exploding petrol tank. Engineers End Meeting. adventures for this season. The Allegheny Military association will hold a barn dance Thursday evening, Oct. 15, at Odd Fellows hall, Northside.

CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS. At the annual election of officers club Tuesday evening, the following held by the members of the Or Loendi persons were elected as members of the board of governors: Samuel R. Rosemond, Justin J. Thomas, George A. Henderson.

C. W. Posey and D. R. Lewis.

A meeting for the reorganization of the board will be held at the club rooms next Tuesday evening. A military reception will be given at Union Labor temple, Wednesday evening, the Oct. 28, by the Officers league of First regiment, K. of P. The Musical Union, assisted by an orchestra of 22 pieces, will give a sacred concert in the Warren M.

E. church, Sunday evening, Oct. 25. The local members of the Independent Order of St. Luke, gave a very enjoyable banquet, Monday evening, at the Shiloh Baptist church.

Addresses were made by a number prominent persons, both in and out of the order, and the spread was a particularly appetizing one. The Ninth annual session of the American Institute of Mining Engineers, which was held in the Hotel Schenley, formally closed its meeting yesterday at noon. Many of the visiting delegates went to the Pittsburg station of the United States bureau of Mines, where they witnessed governmental mining tests, while others journey to the oll and gas district at Oakdale. DIED. Additional Death Notices on Page Classified Section.

WOODS- On Saturday, Oct. 10, 1914, at 7:15 a. Mary Margaret, daughter of William and Annie Woods (nee McKnight), aged 3 years 5 monts 6 days. Funeral from the family residence, Lebalon Miffin township, Monday afternoon, Oct. 12, at 2 o'clock.

Friends of the family are, respectfully Invited to attend. Take McKeesport car by the way of Second ave. and get off at Bon- ner stop. MURRAY-On Thursday, Oct. 8, 1914, P.

W. Murray, son of the late James and Bridget Murray. Funeral from the residence of his sister, Mrs. Anna Thornberg, 2117 Forbes on Monday, Oct. 12, 1914.

Interment at Steubenville, 0., Monday. (O.) and San Francisco (Cal.) papers please.

The Pittsburgh Press from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (2024)


Is the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette conservative or liberal? ›

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette is a press organization in Pittsburgh, PA and is the most widely-read newspaper in the metropolitan area. It reports with a conservative bias.

What happened to the Pittsburgh Press newspaper? ›

Strike, consolidation, new competition

On May 17, 1992, a strike by workers for the Press shut down publication of the Press; the joint operating agreement meant that the Post-Gazette also ceased to publish. During the strike, the Scripps Howard company sold the Press to the Block family, owners of the Post-Gazette.

What is the largest newspaper in Pittsburgh PA? ›

About Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette is Western Pennsylvania's largest newspaper and is the region's most visited news website, together reaching nearly 1 million people each week.

Is Pittsburgh a nice city to live in? ›

Pittsburgh is a convenient, affordable place to live and work—with a cost of living 7% lower than the national average, a reasonable median home price of $259,900, and median monthly rent of $1,427. The city also has a range of top-notch companies in the education, technology, healthcare, and steel industries.

Is Pittsburgh mostly Republican or Democrat? ›

Philadelphia is the Democratic stronghold of the state, often delivering huge margins for the Democrats in statewide elections. Other urban areas, such as Pittsburgh, Erie, Harrisburg, Allentown, and Scranton lean Democratic as well.

What is the black owned newspaper in Pittsburgh? ›

The Pittsburgh Courier was one of the first black newspapers to publish both national and local editions.

Who owns the Pittsburgh Press? ›

Owned by Block Communications, Inc., the Post-Gazette's sister paper is The Blade of Toledo, Ohio.

When did the Pittsburgh Press stop publishing? ›

July 28, 1992

What's going on with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette strike? ›

The parties ended the strike by executing a Labor Dispute Settlement Agreement. The Labor Dispute Settlement Agreement resolves, to the satisfaction of the Local Union and the Post-Gazette, substantially all strike-related issues and health care, including any outstanding National Labor Relations Board actions.”

What is the most widely circulated newspaper in Pennsylvania? ›

*Data as of July 2022.
  • Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. ...
  • Intelligencer Journal/Lancaster New Era. ...
  • The Patriot-News. ...
  • The Intelligencer. ...
  • The Times-Tribune. ...
  • The York Dispatch. ...
  • Berkshire Eagle. ...
  • Cecil Whig.

What is the biggest library in Pittsburgh? ›

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

Who owns the biggest newspaper in the United States? ›

The largest local newspaper owner in the United States in 2023 was Gannett, with a total of 390 papers.

Why do people love Pittsburgh so much? ›

1. It feels like a home away from home – Pittsburgh is a vibrant, mid-sized city that has the feel of a small town coupled with the big-city amenities that travelers love. Pittsburgh offers a surprising and unexpected experience, with natural beauty, unique terrain and diverse offerings at every turn.

Is Pittsburgh getting better or worse? ›

Its old blue-collar reputation is being replaced, and the quality of life continues to improve with new industries that make Pittsburgh home. In addition to the ample green space and increased job opportunities, Pittsburgh has wooed residents with its strong sense of community.

Is the National Post conservative or liberal? ›

Politically, the Post has retained a conservative editorial stance although the Asper family has long been a strong supporter of the Liberal Party of Canada.

Who owns the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette? ›

Owned by Block Communications, Inc., the Post-Gazette's sister paper is The Blade of Toledo, Ohio.

Is the independent newspaper liberal or conservative? ›

Political views. The Independent is generally described as centre to centre-left, liberal and liberal-left.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.