A Complete Guide On Applying For Affordable Housing In Hawaii - Hawaii Star (2024)

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Finding an affordable place to live in Hawaii can be challenging with the high cost of housing. However, there are options for affordable housing programs that can make renting or owning a home possible even on a limited income.

If you’re short on time, here’s a quick answer to your question: there are federal and state programs that provide low-income housing opportunities through projects, vouchers, loans, and other assistance. Key steps are meeting income limits, completing applications, and getting on waiting lists.

In this comprehensive guide, we will cover all the details you need to successfully apply for affordable housing in Hawaii, including:

Determining If You Qualify for Affordable Housing Programs in Hawaii

Income limits

To qualify for affordable housing programs in Hawaii, there are income limits you must meet. Typically, your gross annual household income cannot exceed 80% of the area median income. For example, if you live in Honolulu County, the 2023 income limit for a family of 4 is $93,900.

Affordable housing programs publish income limits each year based on the area median income and household size. Be sure to check the latest numbers to see if your income falls below the thresholds.

Residency requirements

Most affordable housing programs in Hawaii require you to be a resident of the state. Some programs may have additional residency restrictions, such as:

  • You must live or work in the county where you are applying
  • You must prove at least 1 year of residency in Hawaii

Meeting the residency rules ensures affordable homes go to local community members in need.

Employment status qualifications

Your employment situation can also determine if you qualify for certain affordable housing assistance. For example:

Full-time employedMay have higher income limits to qualify
Senior citizensSpecial affordable senior housing available
DisabledReserved affordable units for people with disabilities

So be sure to look into program rules based on your work and health status. Unemployed and formerly homeless individuals may also find affordable housing help.

For complete details on eligibility for Hawaii affordable housing programs, contact the Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation (HHFDC) or your local county housing agency.

Types of Affordable Housing Programs Available in Hawaii

Federal programs

The federal government offers several programs to help provide affordable housing in Hawaii. Some key programs include:

  • Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers – These vouchers help low-income families pay rent in market-rate units. According to the latest data, over 5,000 Hawaiians benefit from this program.
  • Public Housing – The federal government funds public housing developments managed by local Public Housing Authorities (PHAs) like the Hawaii Public Housing Authority. There are nearly 6,000 public housing units across Hawaii.
  • Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) – This program gives tax credits to developers creating affordable rental units. It’s responsible for over 18,000 affordable units in Hawaii since 1987.
  • USDA Rural Housing Loans and Grants – For rural areas, the USDA offers affordable mortgages and grants for low-income homebuyers and developers.

State programs

The State of Hawaii also runs multiple affordable housing initiatives, such as:

  • Hula Mae Multi-Family Bonds – Helps finance affordable rental developments across Hawaii with allocated volumes of $300+ million per year.
  • Rental Housing Revolving Funds – Provides loans and grants for affordable rental housing construction with approximately $75 million available annually.
  • Dwelling Unit Revolving Fund (DURF) – Supports affordable housing projects with loans and equity investments using a $200+ million revolving fund.

County programs

At the county level, Hawaiian counties take targeted action like:

  • Affordable housing requirements for new developments – Counties require developers to make 10-30% of units in new projects affordable for low and moderate-income residents.
  • Down payment assistance loans for first-time buyers – Honolulu, Maui and Kauai counties offer down payment loans of up to $30,000 for eligible residents.
  • Employer Assisted Housing Program – Kauai County works with major employers and unions to provide rental support for essential workers. Nice initiative!

With layered support across federal, state and local sources, Hawaii strives to create inclusive, affordable communities. But more action is still needed with over 50,000 residents on waitlists for affordable homes based on advocates. Let’s keep supporting affordable housing measures!

How to Apply for Affordable Housing Opportunities in Hawaii

Finding and researching programs

The first step is identifying programs available in your area. Check listings on sites like Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation and Hawaii Information Service which maintain up-to-date information on opportunities statewide. You can search by location and eligibility criteria.

Reach out to nonprofit organizations like Hawaii Association of Community Developers for guidance. Be sure to understand all requirements before applying.

Completing applications

Applications often require financial statements, employment verification, identity documents, and details on current living situation. Have these prepared in advance and follow all formatting rules closely. For income-restricted units, provide precise household income numbers.

Answer questions honestly and accurately. Attach necessary supporting documentation. Proofread before submission, as incomplete applications may not be considered.

Getting on waiting lists

Competition is fierce for affordable units, so expect to join waiting lists, sometimes for over a year. Occasionally check your status on lists and update contact details if needed. Consider less popular locations or programs to improve chances.

If offered a home, act quickly as there may be short windows to view the unit and sign agreements. Waitlisting with multiple providers boosts possibilities.

Following up and checking status

Don’t hesitate to follow up if your application has been pending for long without updates. Politely inquire about status, if further information is required, and next steps in the process. While waiting, keep searching for other opportunities.

With persistence and preparation, affordable home ownership in Hawaii is an achievable goal for many residents. Support programs aim to promote long-term housing stability.

Tips for Improving Your Application and Chances

Highlight steady income

When applying for affordable housing programs, it is crucial to showcase a consistent income stream. This could involve gathering pay stubs, tax documents, benefit letters, and bank statements. Solid evidence of steady earnings makes your application more competitive.

Mention any assets as well that demonstrate your financial stability over time.

Get references

References from past landlords, employers, or community members can strengthen your application. These personal testimonies vouch for your reliability and character. Strive for references who can highlight positive rental histories or your dedication to volunteer work.

Such glowing reports put applications ahead of the pack.

Be thorough and accurate

Carefully complete all sections of affordable housing applications in Hawaii. Provide detailed responses instead of leaving items blank. Double check that your entries are accurate too. Even minor mistakes could lead to disqualification.

Proofread paperwork meticulously before submission to avoid spelling, grammar, or math errors.

Consider all options

Inquire about every affordable housing program available on the islands. Research offerings from the Hawaii Public Housing Authority, USDA Rural Housing Services, Habitat for Humanity, church organizations, and more.

Cast a wide net to maximize your shot at rental support, special financing, housing vouchers, subsidized units, or homebuyer assistance.

Ask questions

If any part of applications seem unclear, get clarification right away. Call, email, or visit offices in-person to speak with housing program staff. They can explain requirements, income rules, documentation specifics, and waitlist procedures in detail.

Being proactive leads to fully completed applications and faster processing.


The process of applying for affordable housing in Hawaii can seem daunting, but breaking it down into clear steps makes it much more manageable. First determine if you qualify based on income, residency, and other criteria.

Then research the different types of federal, state and county programs available. Carefully complete applications, get on waiting lists right away, follow up regularly, and make sure your application puts your best foot forward.

With persistence and a thorough approach, you can successfully find and apply for the affordable housing opportunities you need in Hawaii.

A Complete Guide On Applying For Affordable Housing In Hawaii - Hawaii Star (2024)
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