鬼滅の刃 13 [Kimetsu no Yaiba 13] (2024)

Sara Bakhshi

1,340 reviews343 followers

October 31, 2019

Any person you see for the first time in this manga and think you'll never like them or they're so proud; you will be proven wrong!

Each of them turned to be good people with sad stories or endings.

    dark-fantasy manga

Victoria ✮⋆˙

1,054 reviews101 followers

July 23, 2020

So much happened in this vol omg, I love all the back story too

Kuroo Dabi

115 reviews16 followers

March 30, 2020

鬼滅の刃 13 [Kimetsu no Yaiba 13] (4)

Luego de conocer el pasado de Genya y Sanemi me pongo q pensar en lo que habrán sentido cuando vieron que Nezuko era un demonio y Tanjiro por todo los medios impidió que la mataran, que habrán sentido al ver que Tanjiro busca una manera de volverla humana. Quizás Genya no esté pensando en eso, después de todo su objetivo es volver a ver a Sanemi y pedirle perdón, pero quizás Sanemi si, después de todo el fue quien mato a esa mujer, o quizás no, quizás solo sea yo indagando cosas que solo el autor sabrá. Ay mis pequeños muchachos, Sanemi Y Genya pobres criaturas, yo empatize con los dos desde el inicio cuando eran bien cabrones pero sabía que por algo era. Ojalá y nada malo les pase.


2,731 reviews161 followers

March 25, 2024

When demons attack the supposedly hidden swordsmith village, you bring a gun to a swordfight. That is basically what the character on this cover, Genya does. That and eat demon flesh to get an edge on those pesky demons.


Shawna Finnigan

604 reviews349 followers

October 6, 2023

TW// murder (including of parents, siblings, children), physical abuse

“My name is Genya Shinazugawa! Remember it! It’s the name of the man who’s going to kill you!”

The battle in this section of the series is so creative. I loved how Koyoharu Gotouge utilized the demon blood art in such clever ways for this battle. It made for some really entertaining action scenes where it was impossible to determine what would happen next.

The Shinazugawa backstory in this volume is so heartbreaking yet beautifully well written. I both hate and love this series for making me go through such a roller coaster of emotions. 💔


Author5 books4,459 followers

August 14, 2022

I admit I like Genya’s backstory. I can’t wait to see WHY he is the way he is, though.

Tanjiro’s getting strong. I love it.

    2022-shelf fantasy manga

shirley ♡

309 reviews176 followers


June 24, 2021

If something happens to Genya…….

    2021 manga

Himanshu Karmacharya

1,029 reviews110 followers

May 13, 2022

First of all, I want to point out how incredible it is to see the artwork so fleshed out and gorgeous, compared to the initial volumes. Every page and action scene look so dynamic and vibrant, it feels like picture in motion.

Although the plot does get a bit repititive, with the protagonists always going after a demon, their struggles and the backstories are what keep the story fresh.

The author has also done a major turnaround with the character of Genya, I never thought I'd come to like him or even feel neutral towards him, but here I am.

    2022 fantasy manga

Mahdiye HajiHosseini

442 reviews31 followers

February 28, 2022

خیلی بیشتر از ارک‌های قبل تحرک و داستان داره. سرعت به شکل مطلوبی بالائه حتی با وجود فایت‌های چندجانبه پیچیده البته هنوز هم خارج از انتظارات نیست و خیلی تازگی و غافلگیری خاصی نداره. یه نگاه به سد بک‌استوری گنیا انداخت و کنجکاوی واسه وضعیت عجیبش ایجاد کرد و برای سد سد بک‌استوری موییچیرو هم آماده سازی کرد. در کل لذت بردم.
حماقت و قلب پاک تانجیرو وقتی گنیا بهش گفت باید هاشیرا بشه صدای ذهنی زنیتسو رو کم داشت واقعا.


607 reviews1 follower

September 23, 2021

La historia se ha puesto muy interesante en este tomo, con un arco que promete volverse incluso más intenso. Y es lo normal. Si el anterior arco ya fue intenso, la cosa solo puede ir a más a partir de ahora, y con mayor motivo cuando nuestros protagonistas se están enfrentando a dos Lunas de nivel superior La atención del lector no puede decaer ni un segundo, ya no solo por el nivel de emoción al que están llegando las peleas y toda la acción, también por la gran cantidad de historias paralelas que entroncan el total del argumento de este volumen.

Si algo hay que reconocerle a Gotouge es que sabe llevar muy bien el ritmo de la narrativa y mantener el equilibrio entre acción y emotividad. Y tampoco hay que olvidar que, aunque parezca una historia shonen ligera y Tanjiro tenga una personalidad tan luminosa y amable y este acompañado de personajes que pueden llegar a ser muy entrañables, cuando toca ponerse dura, la autora se pone dura y no se corta a la hora de darle al lector una pena ración de brutalidad, vísceras y sangre. Véase en este tomo la estatua hecha con partes de los herreros de la aldea por uno de los demonios a abatir. Terrible esa parte, me ha dejado con muy mal cuerpo Sobre todo por la discrepancia entre lo duro y cruel que es y lo cómico de las mascaras que portan aun los herreros.

El personaje de Genya me está gustando. Le veo potencial. Y digo que le veo, porque en este tomo me ha dejado con la sensación de que aún no nos ha mostrado todo lo que puede dar de si. Tiene un buen pasado que explica su forma de ser y sus motivaciones, y una personalidad interesante, amen que su estilo de lucha es especial por que usa armas de fuego en lugar de katana o armas japonesas como la mayoría de personajes. Pero de momento, para mi, le falta algo para ser un personaje que destaque. Espero verlo ya en el tomo número 14. también espero mucho de la Pilar del Amor. No ha tenido oportunidad de lucirse mucho, pero todo llegara.

    adventure ebooks fantasy


534 reviews64 followers

September 18, 2023

Overall Rating : B+

鬼滅の刃 13 [Kimetsu no Yaiba 13] (14)


73 reviews21 followers

April 27, 2023

Sorry for doubting you, Genya :(

    books-i-own manga-hwa-hua shōnen-and-seinen


582 reviews211 followers

January 5, 2024

Se me había olvidado retomarlo jajaja me quedan poco volúmenes, no es un manga tan largo así que lo seguiré para no dilatar lo más y seguir con mi meta de ponerme al día en one piece y terminar Beastars jeje
Pues en este volumen continuo la batalla, o más bien empezó, ya que el volumen pasado aparecieron los demonios en el último capitulo. Tanjiro esta luchando junto a Nezuko y Genya contra 4 demonio que en realidad son 1, igual que el caso anterior. Aunque van a descubrir que en realidad son 5. Hay un pequeño flashback de Genya y su historia. Mi problema principal sigue siendo con los dibujos, no entiendo el moviendo, siento que no está tan claro y ahora mismo lo de Genya que no importa lo que le hagan parece no morir 🤷🏻‍♀️ ahora le dieron un ataque full hay que ver si puede salir de esa.
Por otra parte el pilar de la niebla se está enfrentando a otro demonio superior que ya estaba atacando a los forjadores.
Y llego el pilar del amor a proteger a los demás forjadores justo en el centro de la aldea.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.

    2024 manga reto-portadas


1,391 reviews145 followers

July 1, 2020

So, last volume I said that I had mixed feelings regarding Tokito. While I don't adore him like some of the other Hashira, I do like him and am hoping he f*ckING SURVIVES this attack so that I can learn more about him (I swear, Gotouge, if you kill him off...*growls*).

Genya's past was presented in this volume and holy sh*t, this kid's had it rough. I would like to learn more about him and why he fights the way he does, so hopefully more of that will be revealed.

Kanroji was a f*ckING BADASS and her sword is SO f*ckING AWESOME and I f*ckING LOVE HER. That's about all I have to say about that.

Can I just say that I love Nezuko's and Tanjiro's dynamic when fighting? They both prioritize each other's safety and well-being, but also bring out inner strength and push each other further. I wish we had more action series that have this kind of sibling dynamic, it's so awesome and inspiring. Also Nezuko just straight up kicks ass and I love watching her duke it out with demons.

The artwork, specifically the Demon Blood Art, is so awesome and is both beautiful and disturbing. Not that I'm saying the artwork is top tier all the time, but during the fights it really stands out is a feast for the eyes.

Those are my scattered thoughts on this volume, hopefully I can read the next volume close to when it comes out rather than having to wait a FULL MONTH for my order to be fulfilled. Anyways, this was another great volume in a great series.


Nani’s Library

211 reviews26 followers

October 11, 2021

“It’s turning red”

OMG 😍❤️


Insomnolent Reader °ㅠ_ㅠ°

399 reviews16 followers

June 20, 2023

Tanjiro. 🤩

Victor The Reader

1,491 reviews15 followers

April 6, 2021

The continuing demon battle, including a fishy opponent, proves to be tough. Tanjiro, however, may have the weapon to stop them. A- (91%/Excellent)

    borrowed-from-digital-library manga-reviews

Ulises Estrada

303 reviews29 followers

April 26, 2021

Vale si me gusta Genya, descubrir su pasado fue algo que me gusto mucho, pues sirvio para conocerlo mejor, pero ahora quiero saber mas sobre el. En cuanto al pilar del Amor, creo que su historia esta mejorando bastante y tiene mucho potencial ya que en el volumen anterior no me agrado para nada.
En cuanto a las escenas de pelea ya ni las menciono, pero siguen siendo increibles.

    2021 manga

Bianca A.

287 reviews159 followers

June 12, 2023

I enjoyed Genya's story, his background, and the buildup of his present evolution. This has to be the coolest thing about Demon Slayer, that things are rarely what they seem and one has to look deeper to truly comprehend why someone is who they are, why they do what they do. And how important it is to meet people with kindness and empathy at the stage they are at, even if they may seem unworthy.

    2023 manga

James DeSantis

Author18 books1,175 followers

November 28, 2022

Still holds up. If I remember correctly this is my favorite volume of this arc. Intense, great fights, and even some "Oh sh*t is he dead?" type moments because we know Demon Slayer is not scared to kill off big characters. A 4.5 out of 5.

Original Review:

Demon Slayer ramps up this volume as the fight begins.

This volume focuses on Genya and Tanjiro. With both trying their best to fight off one of the big bads we have Muichiro dealing with the demons on the outskirts. With the mist warrior trying his best to return to Genya and Tanjiro they deal with a demon who can keep splitting their body over and over again.

I really enjoyed the intensity of this volume. Both Tanjiro and Genya go full on beast mode to take out this demon. Not only that but have plenty of great surprises and plenty of cliffhangers on this one. This isn't the end of this arc, but the middle piece, and plenty of major things are coming but this action packed volume is great.

Demon Slayer is a rare modern day shonen that I think will be remembered very fondly. Reminds me of Yu Yu Hakusho and Hunter x Hunter where the fights are great but they're great because the characters are! A easy 4.5 out of 5.


390 reviews30 followers

May 23, 2020

My biggest problem with Demon Slayer is probably the repetition. This is the third arc, where the main character goes somewhere with a stronger character. They encounter a very strong enemy, they fight together and then we have result and training. Repeat. I think the characters are great. Everyone feels distinct. They have trauma and it feels that they have a purpose in their lives.

But the way the story is being presented feels framed. And the only factor of surprise is the power-up of the main character. There is the beginning setting. We know our figures and those are our only players, resulting in a small world where lot of conflicts are dealt with Deus ex machina - or some hidden power.

I will be kind and give this four stars but weak four stars.


274 reviews28 followers

September 22, 2022

GENYA?!?!??!! I NEED SOME ANSWERS. I love that Tanjiro is just absolutely pure hearted and touches everyone around him in a positive way.

Jess | jadecanread

744 reviews133 followers

December 12, 2022

"It's turning red" YAAAAAAHHHHH.

    graphics-and-manga owned-physical-read

aleksandra (taylor's version)

332 reviews15 followers

December 15, 2022

slay tanjiro

    2022-reads 5-star-reads manga-graphic-novels

sherry ♡ ( Taylor’s version)

18 reviews1 follower

May 27, 2024

I actually read this yesterday🙂‍↔️

Angie Miles

445 reviews9 followers

June 8, 2024

i love tanjiro’s characterization 🥹


Alexis (TheSlothReader)

650 reviews332 followers

April 23, 2020

if my binging volume after volume doesn't convince you to read kimetsu no yaiba, here is my official endorsem*nt

Blake the Book Eater

1,018 reviews415 followers

April 26, 2022

This sh*t is SO EPIC

Kayla Brunson

1,499 reviews265 followers

June 29, 2022

Not that cliffhanger! Already downloaded the next one.

    manga read-in-2022
鬼滅の刃 13 [Kimetsu no Yaiba 13] (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Views: 6118

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.